NASA postponed the trip out of space a day

On February 10, US Space Agency (NASA) said that due to the health of German astronaut Hans Schlegel, 56, the first out-of-space flight after the Atlantis spacecraft assembled. Success with the International Space Station (ISS), will have to be postponed for one day.

Perhaps the trip out into space to move the $ 10 billion, Columbus-based Columbus lab, from Atlantis to the ISS was carried out on February 10, one day after Atlantis was assembled. success with ISS. However, because the German astronaut Hans Schlegel was ill, the trip outside this country would have to be delayed for 24 hours. Thus, Atlantis' planned 11-day flight will have to last an extra day, and it may return to Earth on February 19.

Of the seven travelers to ISS this time, French astronaut Léopold Eyharts, of the French space research center (CNES), will replace astronaut Daniel Tani, who has been in orbit since October last year. As planned, the Eyharts will return to Earth on a shuttle Endeavor in March. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister François Fillon congratulate French tourist Léopold Eyharts on his success in the new mission on ISS.

Picture 1 of NASA postponed the trip out of space a day

Atlantis shuttle spacecraft with outside Columbus lab is approaching ISS.(Photo: Reuters)