NASA probe set a record of approaching the nearest Sun.

This week, the Parker Solar Probe space probe will become the man-made object approaching the nearest Sun ever.

In a October 29 announcement, the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) said the Parker Solar Probe is heading to a new record of the distance to the Sun's surface at 17:04 (GMT), News 00h04 'October 30 (Vietnam time) officially " record dumping" 42.73 million kilometers of the previous Helios 2 spacecraft co-produced by Germany and the US and launched into space in April / 1976.

According to previous calculations by experts, Parker will officially set a new record in the early days of November with a distance of 24 million kilometers right inside the sun's coronary ring (also known as the solar atmosphere) . It is expected that the Parker will have 24 solar hits in the next 7 years and the closest distance the ship can reach the Sun in this mission is 6 million km.

Picture 1 of NASA probe set a record of approaching the nearest Sun.
The simulation of the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft performs the task of studying the Sun's atmosphere.(Photo: AFP / VNA).

Launched in space last August, Parker is expected to set a new record of the movement speed of 692,017km / h, breaking the record of 247,000km / h of Helios-2.

According to NASA, $ 1.5 billion worth of tasks will help people better understand the "star" in the largest galaxy. On the journey to the Sun, the ship must pass Venus 7 times to utilize the planet's gravity to pull itself closer to the Sun. The first scientific data is expected to be transmitted to Earth in December.

Experts judged that if the project was successful, humans would gain unprecedented knowledge of how the Sun works, helping explain the terrible heat of the corona, the forces that cause the solar wind and energy particles shoot out of the Sun at speeds more than half the speed of light. These upcoming discoveries could help aviation agencies learn and protect the Earth from the Sun's halo - which is capable of damaging satellites and the Earth's power grid.