NASA spacecraft is on its way to Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has passed Hai Vuong Tinh's orbit, is on its way to the distant Pluto and is expected to orbit the planet next July.

>>>New Horizons is only 1.6 billion km away from Pluto

Scientists from the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently announced the ship New Horizons, a spaceship as small as a piano, to become a child. The first ship approached the planet of Pluto the following summer.

The spacecraft brought many cameras, spectrophotometers and other instruments to analyze dust concentrations, view color maps, collect more than a million spectra on the surface, measure atmospheric composition. Pluto, search for new satellites and create heat maps of the planet.

Picture 1 of NASA spacecraft is on its way to Pluto
The New Horizons spacecraft will approach the planet of Pluto the following summer.

New Horizons was launched from the Earth at a speed of 58,000 km / h in January 2006, making it the fastest spaceship at that time. The distance of the ship from the Earth is now 4.43 billion km and only 440 million km from Pluto, NASA officials said.

This will be a new step in space science because NASA now has very little information about Pluto, Alan Stern, Head of New Horizons' investigation board. This planet is too far away for telescopes.

Scientists say that Pluto is perhaps 70% jagged, a volatile thin atmosphere and at least 5 satellites around. Pluto, whose scientific name is Pluto, is the second largest "dwarf planet" known in the Solar System (after Eris) and the 18th largest object that can be observed directly orbiting the Sun.

"Everything we know about the Pluto planet so far can fit into previous documents , " said Alan Stern. "This will be a very interesting thing. For the first time humans will go near a new planet and we will have some new information to supplement the human knowledge base." New Horizons is scheduled to arrive at the scheduled location on July 14, 2015.