NASA spacecraft approaches Pluto

The spacecraft of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) approaches Pluto, opening hopes of ending the debate about whether or not to consider this a planet.

NASA spacecraft deciphers Pluto mystery

According to the Dailyt Times Gazette, after nearly a decade, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft approached Pluto on June 14, opening hopes of ending the controversy over the star's nature.

Picture 1 of NASA spacecraft approaches Pluto
The Pluto.(Photo:

In 2005, astronomers, led by Mike Brown, agreed on Pluto from the list of planets. At that time, a group of experts discovered the existence of Eris , a celestial body larger than Pluto and also orbiting the Sun.

This finding raises the question whether or not Eris is a Pluto-like planet. The International Astronomical Society (IAU) has given the official definition of the planet to solve this problem. Under the new definition, both Pluto and Eris are classified as dwarf planets. This statement means Pluto is not a planet.

Pluto did not meet the criteria in item (c) of the definition given by IAU to require a planet to have a " clean orbital neighborhood " completely without a large-sized celestial body significant.

IAU astronomers have argued that Eris has orbit in the vicinity of the orbit of Pluto and vice versa. Since then they have come to the conclusion that both are not considered planets.

However, Phil Metzger, a former NASA expert, thinks Pluto is a planet.

" We are completely comfortable calling it a planet now. The astronomical community has never stopped calling Pluto a 'planet', " he said when asked whether to call Pluto. Wang is the planet. According to Metzger, starting to call Pluto as a planet again is seen as a scientific advance.

Another interesting detail, only two weeks after the discovery of Eris, NASA launched New Horizons to Pluto. The ship's voyage was called " NASA's first mission to the last planet."

Scientists have begun to predict what was discovered on Pluto. However, all are certain, New Horizons will shed light on all the previous secrets of Pluto.

" What we imagine about Pluto will vanish, " said Alan Stern, who oversees New Horizons. In addition, NASA hopes New Horizons will lift the mysterious veil of aliens in our solar system .