New hypothesis about human language

Scientists believe that expressive movements in primates are different from chewing motions and become the basis for language development.

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There are different theories that explain the emergence of language in humans. One of these hypotheses suggests that the beginning is the sound signal of primates.

The monkey was born, but they could not communicate by sound and hundreds of millions of years had passed , their 'language' had not changed. And the language of a person is developed, increasingly rich from one life to another.

Picture 1 of New hypothesis about human language
Human language ability comes from the expressive grimace of a monkey.

According to a new hypothesis proposed by Princeton University scientists (US), human language ability comes from the expressive grimace of a monkey.

Most monkeys are grumpy. They 'mingle' with each other when friendly contact without sound. Their vocal cords and larynxs did not move. The language only appears with the participation of two systems: the respiratory muscles make the air impact the vocal cords and the sound changes according to the movement of lips, cheeks and tongue. Expressive movements do not emit a sound on their own, but without it language will not develop.

The researchers tried to find out if there was any resemblance between the babble of the monkey and the babbling of the newborn.

When a child practices pronunciation, initially expressive movements are very slow and have different rhythms. As they grew older, language expression gradually became faster and more orderly. Unlike the expressive movement, chewing motion is formed from the day of new birth. This proves that these movements are controlled by different parts of the nervous system.

The scientists also observed all the activities of the long-tailed golden monkeys of different ages and noticed gestures and expressive postures that developed similar to human pronounced movements. The expressive movements in monkeys complete gradually without depending on the chewing motion. It should be mentioned that monkey and human chewing movements occur in the same period.