Nicolas Copernic (1473 - 1543) Genius theorist: Nhat Tam Universe theory
1. Youth and education
Copernicus was born in Torun, Pologne in a merchant family and civil servants. Copernic's uncle is bishop Lukas Watzelrode, taking care of his children well in the best universities.
Nicolas entered Cracovie University in 1491, studied liberal arts for four years but had no diploma. Then he went to Italy to study Medicine and Law as the Pologne of the time. Before leaving, his uncle gave him the assistant priest (chanoine) in Frauenburg, today Frombork, a position of financial responsibility but no religious mission.
In the first quarter of 1497, Copernic began to study the Church Law (droit canon) at the University of Bologne and at the home of a math professor Domenico Maria Novara (1454-1504). Professor was one of the first to correct Ptolémée's science and encouraged him very much in Geography and Astronomy. They both observed the lunar eclipse, the star Aldébaran on March 9, 497 in Bologne.
In 1500, Copernic organized the Conference on Astronomy in Rome
The following year he was allowed to study Medicine at Padoue, (a university that nearly a hundred years later Galillée learned)
In 1503 he passed a doctorate in law, and returned to Cologne to complete his administrative position (not yet completed medical school).
2. Works
From 1503 to 1510, Copernic lived in Mr. Lidzbark Warminski's bishop's palace, taking part in the administration of the territory.
He printed the first book, translated from Latin, a book on morality by a 7th-century Bizance author, Theophylactus de Simocatta.
In the years from 1507 to 1515, he completed his essay on Astronomy: De Hypothesibus Motuum Coelestium a se Constitutis Commentariolus is known as Commentariolus, which was not printed until the XIX century. In this work, he introduced the principles of his new Astronomical theory: the Middle Sun theory (Héliocentrique).
After he returned to Frauenburg in 1512 , he participated in the calendar revision (1515).
1517 : Write a article about currency and begin his main work: De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (the rotation of celestial bodies). This work was completed in 1530 but it was not printed in Nuremberg until 1543. Copernicus only received a few copies a few hours before his death (May 24, 1543). He sent a copy to Pope Paul III, who introduced his system as a pure theory to avoid church punishment (vindicte).
3. Copernic system and influence
The Copernic system is based on the assertion that the earth revolves around itself once a day and rotates around the sun for a year.
In addition, other planets are also around the sun. Thus, the earth has an advance on its axis as it rotates (just as a service has just turned around it, spinning)
The Copernic system also retains some old theories such as solid spheres carrying planets and carrying stellar stars.
Copernican theory has the advantage of Ptolémée to explain the daily movement of the sun and stars (due to the movement of the earth around itself) and the motion of the sun annually (due to the movement of the left soil around the sun). He explains the seemingly reverse motion of Mars, Jupiter and Saturne and Mercure and Vénus stay the same distance from the sun.
In addition to Copernic theory for a new sequence of planets depending on their rotation cycle
The other Ptolemée Copernic system is the larger the orbital radius of the planet, the more time it takes for the planet to spin around the sun
But the concept of a moving earth is difficult to be accepted by readers of the sixteenth century to understand Copernican theory. Some of his theories were approved but the "sun center " was rejected or unknown.
From 1543 to 1600 he had only ten followers. Most of them work outside the university, in royal classes. The most famous ones are Galilée, Johannes Kepler . These people have other special arguments to support the Copernic system.
In 1588, Danemark astronomer, Tycho Brahé, studied a special intermediate position where the earth seemed to stand still and every other planet orbited around it.
In 1633, although Galilée was charged with a Roman court, several philosophers of the time still accepted Copernican theory.
Around the end of the seventeenth century when the astrophysics progressed thanks to Isaac Newton , the majority of the British, French, Dutch, Danemark scholars followed Copernicus, while others were anti-Copernic to a century.
Continue reading: "Nicolas Copernic - Question from the vineyard"
Continue reading: " Nicolas Copernic - The destruction of the great work"
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