Not a person or a child is close, this strange animal is also grateful and grateful
The dwarf mongoose can remember whoever helps you, and then pay back your kind.
For a long time, many people believed that trading and exchanging activities only appeared in human society. But it turns out, wild animals do the same.
If so, see that animals sometimes look like humans in a strange way. As recently, scientists were surprised to find a behavior of dwarf mongoose - the smallest carnivore in Africa. That is they know how much the cooperation of the fellow and repay the merits in the future.
The mongoose is short.
"There are almost no studies of this activity in animals. Working with dwarf civets, we have detailed observations, as well as conducting the necessary experiments in the wild environment. " Professor Julie Kern from Bristol University said.
Thus, this is considered to be the first research on the ability to repay the kind .
Not only is it a repayment, but also a benefit exchange: an individual will help the other person in response to the help received.
More specifically, the "goods" that dwarf mongoose species exchange with each other are simple but extremely meaningful in the herd life, which is guarding .
A civet is guarding.
Mr. Kern revealed: "After carefully observing the dwarf civets for several months, we found that the animals actively guarded the others, and soon after they received similar guard. However, in order to validate this relationship, we used a few tricks ".
In the three hours leaving the dwarf's feeding caves, scientists mimicked the signal of reinforcement of subordinate individuals by replaying the sounds of the civet when performing guard duty.
In the evening when the whole group returned to the cave to sleep, the scientists observed and recorded custody actions. As expected, individuals who were previously mobilized to guard will receive more protection from their kind.
Individuals who were previously mobilized to guard will receive more protection from the same type.
The conclusion given is that repayment is not necessarily done immediately. Activities to respond to guarding may take place at the end of the day, when most of the groups have finished their feeding and returned to the cave to sleep.
The study is published in the journal of the US National Academy of Sciences.
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