Consider carefully before naming your child

If you choose a name that is too normal, your child will be one of thousands. Choose a name that's too strange and stand out, there are some things to consider.

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1. Teasing

The reason to be cautious when giving your child a strange name is that you may be teased by your friends. Of course, children like to tease each other and there is always a reason to do so. A strange name makes children stand out, get attention and also the focus of jokes.

2. Your future work

How will your child be when he reaches adulthood? A name that sounds cute and unique when a child is young but totally inappropriate at maturity. Think of an unusual name that is voiced when your child becomes a lawyer or entrepreneur - in most industries you need seriousness. A strange name can cause problems.

3. Make me confused and embarrassed

Maybe your child will feel embarrassed, embarrassed when there is an unusual name. Some people tried to learn how to love their names, but others felt embarrassed, embarrassed with their names and rarely used them.

Picture 1 of Consider carefully before naming your child
Photo: smartparent

4. Spelling and pronunciation

Some parents choose a rather popular name but have unusual spelling. Do you want your child to spend a lot of time fixing spelling in the usual way? A really unusual name will still cause problems. Many people will not know how to spell or pronounce it.

5. You don't know if your child likes that name

It's hard to choose a name that your child definitely likes. This is even more difficult if you choose an unusual name. Some people like to have an unusual name, while others hate it.

6. Create associations for others

If you choose a name that is not commonly used, you can lead your child to more difficult situations. Others will have different associations with the name of your child.

7. That name may not match your personality

Finally, you don't know what your personality will look like when you grow up. Poisonous and strange names can lead to abnormalities of children. A self-contained child may like a strange and strange name.

Of course everyone will get used to the name you choose. However, that name is still unusual. Consider the future of your child. You should give your child a popular name as well as a middle name, so that he can use it if he likes. You can also give your child an unusual nickname.

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