Now you can train yourself to become an astronaut through ... smartphone

Not working at NASA does not mean you will never be able to become. In the context of space tours organized by private companies are gradually emerging, a short and simple training is everything you need. And have a smartphone app dedicated to that.

Picture 1 of Now you can train yourself to become an astronaut through ... smartphone

According to Mental Floss, Space Nation, a Finnish space travel startup, has launched the Space Nation Navigator application, which the company claims is the world's first astronaut training app on the phone. . This application was created to train future space travelers through games, quizzes, and physical challenges divided into three thematic groups: body, mind, and society. .

Each challenge is specially designed to help you develop the skills needed to survive in space, even where there is nothing to live. A task called " Did you clean behind the fridge? " (Do you clean the back of the fridge?), Designed to introduce people to little things that are not interesting. the ISS space station members have to do every day to keep things clean and tidy.

Besides, this application also has survival tests to test your knowledge of how to burn campfires, read maps, and . process your excrement at birth survive in the forest. It also has access to the health data in your smartphone so you can take part in more difficult motor challenges, such as a 200-meter sprint. But why sprint 200 meters out of space? To escape the area where the meteor shower is there!

Picture 2 of Now you can train yourself to become an astronaut through ... smartphone

"Space Nation Navigator provides experience as an astronaut for 15 minutes every day for anyone, anywhere. Astronaut skills, like team building, problem solving, useful tricks during the game living . not only extremely important for existence in space, they are also especially useful in your daily life "- said Space Nation CEO Kalle Vaha-Jaakkola.

New challenges are added to your waiting list every few hours, and you can compete with other users to see who gets a higher score. If you earn enough points, you are eligible to participate in real-life training programs with Space Nation, including a trip to Iceland. In 2019, Space Nation plans to hold an international competition to find an astronaut to join their space flight.

If you plan to start the training, you should try out a few tests that Mercury project candidates have done in 1958 to see compared to NASA's first astronauts, the level you reached. what level