Odd myths in science

Not all scientific announcements are truths, sometimes wise scientists make mistakes . 'big'.

You will be amazed at the terrible misconceptions but are very popular in science.


Picture 1 of Odd myths in science
Misconception: Evolution is the process of going from 'low-end' to 'advanced'

Despite the fact that the natural selection process has eliminated bad genes from the organism, very imperfect organisms still exist. There are many species such as mushrooms, sharks, crayfish, moss . are organisms that are able to adapt to the environment without evolution.

People explode in the universe

Picture 2 of Odd myths in science
Myth: When exposed to the vacuum of space, people will explode.

This concept is influenced by science films, where writers want to create drama to make the story more appealing.

In fact, an average person can live from 15-30 seconds in the universe as long as the person breathes out before being 'thrown' into space (this helps the lungs not "explode" and pushes air in.) blood). After 15 seconds or more, humans will be unconscious due to lack of oxygen, and eventually die due to suffocation.

The brightest star

Picture 3 of Odd myths in science
Myth: The North Star is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere's sky.

In fact, why Thien Lang is the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere. The reason why the North Star is an important star is because of its position in the northern marked sky, it is also the idea that this star is called the ' Northern star '.

The Arctic star is the starlet of the Little Ursa constellation, and the Arctic stars change because the Earth rotates with an axis of 23 degrees.

Law 5 seconds

Picture 4 of Odd myths in science
Misconception: Food falling to the floor will be 'safe' if you pick it up
right after 5 seconds.

It must be said that the germs have a very fast attack speed so they will immediately cling to food even if you pick them up immediately after 5 short seconds. But 'eating germs and dirt' is sometimes not so bad because they will help us develop a good immune system.

Darkness of the moon

Picture 5 of Odd myths in science
Myth: Surviving the dark side of the moon.

The truth is that all parts of the moon are illuminated by the sun. The reason, this misconception is that humans can never see the other side of the moon, by the tide phenomenon. Because the earth exerts a gravitational pull on the moon, this satellite can never ' turn ' to the other side for ' Earth '.