Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars

Scientists are building specialized robots sent to Mars to explore Mars's special equatorial region called Oxia Planum.

Search for life on Mars from Oxia Planum

Scientists developed robot models for ExoMars

This is a rich area of ​​clay and minerals, the result of stone being weathered and weathered for a long time.

The specialized facilities of the ExoMars European Space Agency (ExoMars) will carry specific devices to look for signs of life in the Oxia region .

Picture 1 of Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars

The plan will begin to be put into practice from 2018.

However, if the hardware of the machinery and equipment is not developed in time, the plan will be delayed until 2020.

In that case, scientists and engineers will consider studying the other two regions on Mars, Mawth Vallis and Aram Dorsum .

Oxia Planum, is the most promising land for the first human exploitation and research on Mars.

Specific locations will depend on subsequent analytical results, based on scientific evidence and appropriate technical conditions.

Scientists must make sure that the mining and research robots can safely land on Mars thanks to the supporting parachute and rocket system.

In order to suit the above conditions, Oxia land must have a geographical condition with a length of about 100km and a width of about 15km to serve as a landing zone for robots. This location must not have cracks, the slope should not be too large and the soil should not be too big.

The US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) will help identify this location by taking a picture of the Oxia region with a high-definition camera mounted on a Mars-orbiting probe (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter).

Picture 2 of Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars
Source: NASA / MOLA.

Oxia Planum is the lowest area in the region. From a technical standpoint, this is a place with great conditions because it will be very difficult for the system to support even when having to land on a land with too large slopes.

In order to find signs of life, ExoMars robots will have to travel to areas with evidence of water.

The essential part of the program is that robots must be explored in places with truly ancient geological conditions. The rock in this place must be more than 3 million years old.

Oxia Planum is rich in clay and minerals, proving that it was once formed by the activities of rivers and deltas.

And the land of Mawrth Vallis contains a thicker layer of clay than Oxia but the location of this place is located in the North latitude so it is difficult for the robots to land safely on flights in 2018.

The Aram Dorsum region contains traces of a relatively large river system. Sedimentary stones around the rivers show traces of great floods that have appeared in this place.

Picture 3 of Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars
Source: ESA / DLR / FU Berlin / NASA / MGS / MOLA.

ExoMars robots will not come to search in special areas that scientists now think are in liquid places.

These places have the oldest rock patterns showing evidence of the existence of water in the past. The rock and water source were formed from a very early stage in the development history of Mars. At that time, geographical and climatic conditions may be more appropriate for the existence of life.

Operation of robots and satellites belongs to ExoMars program

Robots will be equipped with support equipment and drilling systems to explore the surface of Mars.

This process will last at least 7 months but scientists hope that this period will be longer.

Picture 4 of Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars
Source: ESA.

Russia and Europe lead the research program but the US will also participate.

The United States will provide telecom transponders and will start operating on a spacecraft flying around Mars orbit next year.

Satellite will also study the air condition and climate of Mars.

The satellite also has a landing gear and is designed in conjunction with inspection radar and guidance technology.

This system will also be landing on Mars between 2019 and 2021.

Picture 5 of Oxia: The land is first conquered on Mars
Source: ESA / S.CORVAJA.