The European Space Agency (ESA) first observed the green band of light on Mars' atmosphere.
Jim Green, NASA's chief scientific officer, said they were nearing the point of discovering life on Mars, but he feared that the world was not ready for such a 'revolutionary'
The European Aeronautics Agency (ESA) has officially launched the ExoMars program, whereby the Schiaparelli spacecraft will be launched into space and head towards Mars on October
Future astronauts on Mars may not have to worry about the broth on Red planet, because a water collector is expected to be deployed on the surface of Mars in 2018.
Scientists are building specialized robots sent to Mars to explore Mars's special equatorial region called Oxia Planum.
Yesterday the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a cooperation agreement on the search for signs of life on the red planet.
Europe has officially invited Russia to join the mission of exploring Mars to be implemented in 2016 and 2018.
The United States and Europe will cooperate on a new Mars ship development project called ExoMars. Expected, the first probe in this project will be completed and launched to Mars
Xinhua News Agency reported that the European Space Agency (ESA) has just announced that it will continue to move the time for bringing the ExoMars off-road vehicle (pictured) to