People are happy to talk about themselves

When we talk about ourselves with others, it causes chemical reactions in the body like sex or a sense of satisfaction when eating well.

A recent study by scientists from Harvard University in the US showed that people spend up to 40% of their time talking about themselves.

After magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test respondents, scientists discovered, when people talk about themselves, a chemical reaction is triggered in their body similar to when they happen. During the sex, University Herald reported.

Picture 1 of People are happy to talk about themselves

The scientific team performed two types of experiments in 195 subjects. In the first test, participants were asked to talk about themselves, including ideas about themselves and their personality traits. In the second experiment, participants were asked to talk about other people's opinions and characteristics they knew.

At all talks, the team calculated the blood flow in the participants' brains. Brain scanning technology can recognize changes in blood flow to certain parts of the brain when they face stimuli.

The scientific team said that when someone participated in talking about themselves there was an increase in the activity of the prefrontal cortex (MPFC), the nucleus accumbens brain region (NACC) and the ventral tegmental brain region (VTA). NACC and VTA are two areas of the brain known for producing dopamine, a chemical that controls the human pleasure system.

Previous research has shown that the same level of activity in the brain region of NACC and VTA occurs when a person has sex, takes cocaine, eats sweet food or when people are happy.

The scientific community concludes that, people will feel good when others talk well about themselves , but that joy will increase even more when talking about themselves with others.