Pepper: The first robot to read human emotions

SoftBank, Tokyo (Japan) has launched the world's first robot can read human emotions.

The Pepper robot is equipped with 'emotion motors' and cloud-based artificial intelligence to study gestures, expressions and human voices. Pepper does not have two legs as some robots have appeared on the Japanese robot market, but two hands are fitted with some sensors and can move flexibly.

Picture 1 of Pepper: The first robot to read human emotions
Robot Pepper can read human emotions - (Photo: Daily Mail)

Pepper 121cm high, white weighs about 28kg and no hair. Its eyes are like dolls and have a flat screen in front of the chest. In addition to the latest voice recognition features, Pepper is equipped with two camcorders, four microphones, three sensors on the head, and the robot can connect to the network through the wifi.

Pepper is made for health care, safe for older people. Besides, Pepper can make fun, reduce the feeling of loneliness, empty in them, by singing, dancing and telling jokes.

Bruno Maisonnier, founder and managing director of the Aldebaran robot company, said: "I believe that the most important role of a robot is to be a good companion, to understand human emotions, to contribute. improve the quality of daily life, bring happiness, interesting surprises for people.

Pepper was launched in Japan in February 2015 for $ 1,900.