Planetary candidate has the shortest orbit

Scientists have discovered 6 planetary candidates with orbiting speed, only 4 hours to complete the rotation around their star.

A new survey of the planet has published candidates with super-short orbital cycles , so much so that they almost surf the surface of central stars with incredibly fast speeds.

Picture 1 of Planetary candidate has the shortest orbit
Many planets maintain super-short orbits with central stars - (Photo: ESO)

Brian Jackson of the Carnegie Institute of Science (USA) has compiled a list of six candidates with orbital cycles of less than 12 hours, or even just 4 hours, based on data gathered from Kepler's mission Air and Space Agency (NASA).

If confirmed, these planets will belong to the celestial group closest to the central star, according to

Even with a mass ratio of only a few times that of Earth, planets with short orbital cycles are still easily detected thanks to astronomical facilities on the ground, not telescopes. on space.

After Kepler, NASA intends to launch a new planet hunter in 2017, TESS , with a mission to focus on the mission of finding Earth-sized planets capable of nurturing life.

Earlier, scientists also discovered an Earth-sized planet, named Kepler 78b, 700 light-years away from the solar system, but it took only about eight and a half hours to complete the orbit around the central star. , one of the shortest orbital cycles ever observed.