Plants do not fruition because of lack of pollinators

According to research by British scientists, the reduction in the number of pollinators such as honey bees and butterflies will make many plants unable to bear fruit, while one third of their food people are derived from bee pollinated products.

Picture 1 of Plants do not fruition because of lack of pollinators Without them, crops like apples, pumpkins will not produce fruit, fruits like strawberries, although they can produce fruit, however, their ability to grow is not good and the quality is not high.

Research results show that the number of honey bees in the UK is reduced very quickly compared to other regions in Europe.

Over the past twenty years, more than half of the honeycomb has been destroyed. In addition, the number of butterflies and other insects is also decreasing.

The reduction of pollinators was of interest and the British Government decided to spend £ 10 million on the project to find out the cause of the reduction of the number of insects mentioned above.

Matt, who is in charge of British Insect Charity, said the project has important implications for food safety. People depend on the "free pollination service" of wild insects mentioned above.