Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

Whether, after 50,000 years, our Earth will "grow" or return to the original starting point?

Predicting the future of the Earth is like the weather forecast: the longer the prediction period, the higher the standard deviation. Based on this logic, it is impossible to find the Earth shape of 50,000 years later.

However, when considering the geological history of the Earth, we can rely on immutable processes such as evolution, the process of extinction, the process of creation and the process of climate change to set up the prospect of the earth in the future. Find out about the vision of the Earth 50,000 years later through the following article.

Earth's changes

The Earth rotates around its axis and moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. These movements have certain implications for organisms that exist on the surface of the Earth.

More specifically, the Earth not only rotates around the axis but also "sways" at the two poles like a spinning top. Astronomers call this phenomenon precession , also known as progression .

Picture 1 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

The precession occurs when the axis of an object turns 'wobbling' when the torque forces act on it. This phenomenon changes the Earth's axis every 26,000 years. Currently, the North Pole is directed to Polaris - the North Pole.

Within 13,000 years, Vega star (Bach Minh star) will replace the Arctic star's position and 50,000 years later, Earth will complete two precession cycles, which means that we will return to our position. original place.

Picture 2 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

Moreover, we can clearly see the deviation of Earth's orbit and tilt. After the 97,000 year cycle, Earth's orbit changed from circular to elliptical.

Meanwhile, the deviation of the Earth axis also moves from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees. These changes have made a significant impact on the amount of solar energy that hits the globe.

In the past, Earth had experienced a 100,000-year-old Ice Age with thick ice covering the continent.

Picture 3 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

In the middle of this period, there was a period of Ice Time. Ice space is a warmer period than the icy periods of the Ice Age. Although the ground still holds a thick layer of ice, it is not too harsh compared to other periods. This is a period of mild climate lasting millions of years.

However, scientists predict, the Earth is currently in the middle of Ice Time and will face the Ice Age in the distant future.

Picture 4 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future
Ice space is a warmer period than the icy periods of the Ice Age

Many scientists say, the next Ice Age will be "raging " on Earth in the next 80,000 years. Therefore, Earth is expected to become extremely cold with snow and ice covering all areas after 50,000 years.

Earth's future: from warm to icy, will volcanoes erupt?

Many people ask the question, how will global warming affect the frozen prospect of the Earth?

In the long run, this phenomenon has no major effect but in the short term, people can clearly see the serious consequences of global warming: the amount of carbon dioxide in the air reaches the highest level within 650,000. year. Carbon dioxide makes solar energy unable to radiate back into space, making the Earth hotter.

Picture 5 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

The average temperature has even increased by several degrees, causing glaciers to melt, rising sea levels and flooding coastal areas. The oceans also heat up and the acidity in the sea water rises.

This leads to the mass death of underground coral reefs, species that live in the ocean also face extinction. On the ground, a quarter of plants and animals will disappear.

Picture 6 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future
Will an asteroid or comet crash into Earth, or will a cataclysm swept away the life of the planet in the future?

In 50,000 years, we will face a disaster that makes Earth's destiny change. That catastrophe could be an asteroid or comet that crashed into Earth, or a cataclysm that would blow away the life of the planet.

Besides, geologists believe that volcanic eruption occurs every 50,000 years, volcanoes spray ash and smoke into the atmosphere, causing sunlight to be unable to shine down to the ground within 10 - 15 years.

Picture 7 of Prophetic fate of the Earth in the future

This is similar to what happened 251 million years ago. The destructive power of the volcano once caused the dinosaurs to become extinct, 95% of marine life and 70% of vertebrate animals on the ground disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous.

However, it is undeniable that humankind has continued to evolve. According to some scientists, over the past 10,000 years, humans have evolved 100 times faster. So expect that people will make the necessary adjustments to adapt to the changing conditions of life on Earth in the future.