Reaching the speed of light, the spacecraft will be destroyed

If a spaceship flies near the speed of light, it will be a death ship for the crew and the ship itself will be destroyed, an article published in New Scientist Magazine confirms.

According to calculations by Professor William A. Edelstein, John Hopkins University, the culprit behind this frightening thing is hydrogen in space.

Picture 1 of Reaching the speed of light, the spacecraft will be destroyed
If the speed of light is reached, the spacecraft will become a death ship.

A rocket, to penetrate into the center of the Milky Way, if flying at 99.999998% speed of light will take a period of about 10 years. Within each cubic meter of interplanetary space there are about 2 hydrogen atoms. When the missile's surface collides with hydrogen, the force strikes up to 7 teraelectron-volt. That energy is equivalent to the collision energy of protons in the large LHC accelerator, when operating at full capacity.

In addition, the spacecraft's 10cm-thick aluminum wall retains 1% of the radiation. So in 1 second, astronauts must receive a radiation intensity of 10,000 Sivert. Such intense radioactivity also destroys the structure of the ship and all electronic devices on it.

Professor Edelstein said that it is because of this reason that we can conclude that it is impossible for aliens to visit Earth, no matter how advanced their level of technology is.

The results of his research were presented at the meeting of the American Physical Society.