Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?

Uncover the secret behind the real characters in the deck and try out the puzzle that makes you fall back from the surprise.

Many of us must have come to play or play the West card (or wink) but not everyone knows the true character behind the cards J, Q, and K - who they are.

The answer will be revealed in the article below.

Picture 1 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The J Army is Albrecht von Wallenstein - the military leader.

Many people believe that the flanged J card is Albrecht von Wallenstein - the military and political leader serving under the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II.

He commanded an army of 30,000 to ten thousand people of the Emperor during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Some believe that this is the image of Ogier - King Charlemagne's entourage.

Picture 2 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The card J is a knight Lancelot.

The character who appeared in the card game J was the knight Lancelot - one of the most talented heroes of King Arthur but was caught in the affair with the queen.

When discovered, King Arthur gave the queen the queen, Lancelot rushed to save her and from there became the confrontation with the king.

When the rebellion rebelled, threatened King Arthur's throne, Lancelot returned to support him but it was too late. The king was murdered, the queen also became a nun, Lancelot left the knighthood and lived the rest of his life as a priest.

Picture 3 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The card J check is said to be Hector - the son of King Priamus.

There is still a lot of controversy surrounding the story of who is the J-check card. Many people believe that it is Hector - the son of King Priamus. After his younger brother, Paris, caused a major disaster, Hector had to lead the Trojan Troop troops against the Greeks. Despite seeing the dark future, all of Troy and the Priam family will be destroyed but Hector does not run away.

He led the people of Troy to persist in fighting the Greeks to protect what they loved most.

Picture 4 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
La Hire is La Hire - the entourage of Charles VII le Victorieux.

The image on the J card is La Hire. La Hire (1390 - 1443) was an entourage of King Charles VII le Victorieux, a powerful assistant of the saint Jeanne d 'Arc.

Picture 5 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
Q Gu is the queen Eleanor - wife of Emperor Leopold I.

Q Gu is the queen Eleanor - wife of Leopold I emperor . This is the only woman in the cards holding weapons.

Picture 6 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The card Q is a Argine queen.

The card Q is a Argine queen. Hiding behind this card is the story of the rose war of nobles in England. The Lancaster family took a red rose as a symbol, while the York royal family chose a white rose. After the two royal families underwent a rose war, they reconciled and "shook hands" with each other so on the hands of this queen held the pink flower.

Picture 7 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
Checkered card is Queen Rachel.

On the checkered card is Queen Rachel. According to Genesis, Rachel is Jacob's second wife, the ancestor of the Jews, and she is the wife he loves the most. She is also the sister of Leah, Jacob's first wife.

Picture 8 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
On the card Q is the image of Queen Judith.

The image that appears on the Q card is the image of Queen Judith - the Old Testament character. With beauty and intrigue, she murdered Holoferne, the hero of the Philippines, to save the people of Bethulia.

Picture 9 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The K Flang card is the image of King David.

The Kang is the image of King David (1040 - 970 BC), he is the famous king of the unified kingdom of Israel.

He is a music lover, good at harp playing and writing many hymns in the bible, so in pictures of him most have a guitar image.

Picture 10 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The image of the K card is Alexander the Great.

The image of the K card is Alexander Dai (356-323TCN). He was the 14th King of the Argead family in the Kingdom of Macedonia, the son of King Philip II, but spent little time on reigning in his homeland of Macedonia. At the age of 20, he inherited the throne and attempted to rule the world.

Picture 11 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
The checkered card is Gaius Julius Caesar - Roman military and political leader.

The checkered card is Gaius Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC) - a Roman military and political leader, he is also one of the most influential people in world history. He played a key role in the conversion of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

Gaius Julius Caesar came from an aristocratic family, served as a financial officer, judge, supervisor . In 49 BC, he led the army to capture Rome, establishing power in a single regime talent. By the year 44TCN, he was murdered.

Picture 12 of Real characters in the West deck - Who are they?
On the K card is King Charlemagne.

On the K card is King Charlemagne . Charlemagne Charles the Great (742 - 814) was the king of the Frank (768-814), later crowned the Roman Emperor.

For 14 years in office, he conducted more than 50 conquests, mastering more than half of European territory. On the K Army, he was the only person without a whisker because the wood-chisel of his statue had accidentally slipped the chisel through his lips, causing his mustache to be lost.