The thrilling mystery about the character is printed on the K card

Many people know that the western deck is now derived from the medieval Tarot, but many people do not know that K-kills have committed suicide since about 1680.

For centuries, many different decks have been used in different cultures with different forms of art and stylization, but playing cards has been banned in many parts of the world in the past. and fragile paper cards are easily damaged or lost.

The mark of the standard deck today is not easy to find because there are no surviving cards over time. Some argue that the use of card leaves began in ancient Egypt, but there is no evidence to confirm this.

Picture 1 of The thrilling mystery about the character is printed on the K card
K cards.

In China about 1,000 years, there were games with paper cards, but they were just a tool for a dice game.The first evidence of the paper is from the 14th century in Europe, coming from the Tarot deck.

In the deck of Tarot cards are divided into two parts.The Minor Arcana section is divided into 4 countries with 14 cards each (56 cards in all), which is quite similar to today's 52-card standard deck. The Italians added 22 special cards and called it Tarocco , or Major Arcana . The name Tarot originates from Tarocco, although Tarocco is only used for fortune-telling since the 1780s.

There are many ways of fortune telling, varying according to the deck of cards, the method of fortune telling and each person watching fortune telling. The Major Arcana section will be a general guide to fortune-telling, while the Minor Arcana section gives detailed instructions. Each card has a meaning, and connecting the meanings together will help the viewer to talk about the past, present and future of the person who sees fortune.

The 56 cards in the Minor Arcana section gradually turned into the standard 52-card deck today, with the elimination of 4 "Page" cards, located between 10 and J. cards. The spell becomes a lipstick, the coin becomes checkered, the sword becomes a flange and the cup becomes a muscle.

Picture 2 of The thrilling mystery about the character is printed on the K card
The paper comes from Tarot.

In the search for our self-inflicted K , we will derive from the K leaf with the core. Most Tarot fortune tellers consider K leaves with glasses as a symbol of calm intelligence. Obviously this has nothing to do with suicide. But then somewhere in history, this changed.

First of all, it must be seen that many of the cards are originally from royal traditions in medieval Europe, with various song-making artists drawing different royal faces on it. Many kings in history have been honored on the west deck.

Gradually with time, a version has existed and stood out more than any other version. Many people believe that the face of the K-card is also a stylized figure of King Charles the Great (ie Charlemagne ). But because he lived until the age of 71 (very long life in 814), the connection with suicide was not meaningful here.

Others argue that the K-Blade is Alexander the Great, who died at 32 in 323 BC. He was heartbroken, probably due to the death of Hephaestion's loved one, but could also be poisoned.

Picture 3 of The thrilling mystery about the character is printed on the K card
Kecan leaves are stylized by King Charles VII of France.(Photo:

Another theory is that the K-leaves are stylized by King Charles VII of France, who was mad at palate cancer and died in 1461 because he could not eat or drink anything. Many stories have been told about how he cut his neck himself and "Suicide King" is to describe this horrifying incident.

The last hypothesis, this is simply the artist's fault. Accordingly, shortly before 1680, an artist was hired to design new cards based on French Rouen cards in 1516, but then the artist only drew the head instead of the whole body. There are many similarities between today's card deck and Rouen deck to confirm that, including the same clothes and face and the fact that K-checkers are holding axes.

In Rouen's deck, both red K soldiers held axes, but the K army raised the ax as if about to fight. Because of the limited space of the card, the artist shows only the grip of the ax. Artists then mistook the ax with a sword and today everyone has the feeling that the K army is committing suicide.