Recognition technology wolf tru

Each wild wolf can be identified by a single click with perfect accuracy.

Experts from the University of Nottingham Trent (UK) have written a computer program that analyzes the signs in the sounds of the eastern gray wolves.

The wolf's voice echoes very far away, making it difficult for conservation experts to follow the wild wolves in their usual way.

Picture 1 of Recognition technology wolf tru
Now can detect individual wolves thanks to new computer program - (Photo: USFWS)

However, the new technology can provide a precise method, which allows experts to track individual wolves by listening to them, according to a report in Bioacoustics.

Project leader Holmes Root-Gutteridge explains that wolves use special calls to protect their territory from predators, as well as call on other members of the pack.

This computer program analyzes both the volume and the low pitch of the sound, while previously scientists only tested the low pitch of the sound.

Using dozens of cassette tapes, most live in Algonquin National Park (Canada), the success rate is 100% if applied to individual choirs, and 97% It is important to distinguish each individual from the whole group of wolves.