Revealing exciting new missions about Mercury discovery

BepiColombo spacecraft between Europe and Japan is scheduled to launch into space to explore mysterious Mercury in October, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

Picture 1 of Revealing exciting new missions about Mercury discovery
This spacecraft will fly to the first Mercury in 2022. (Image Source: Phys).

Accordingly, the BepiColombo ship will launch the space name at Kourou, French Guiana at 1:45 am on October 19, 2018 (GMT).

This spacecraft will fly to the first Mercury in 2022, three years after launch.

When they reach the final orbit, the spacecraft will measure the interior, environmental and interactions of Mercury's atmosphere with charged particles from the Sun called the solar wind, ESA officials said. .

In addition, the vessel will then look through the rest of Mercury and Jupiter areas from 2020 to 2025, before making the final orbit at Mercury in December 2025.

This mission will end in 2027, but it can be extended for at least another year.