Revealing the great lie in the morning in the love story

Turns out, inspiring romantic scenes for movies and novels are just . slashing.

In popular romance stories, there is an extremely familiar situation that you have probably heard. It is the main character who is awakened by the scent of coffee, soup pot, or "scented nose" scones .

Picture 1 of Revealing the great lie in the morning in the love story
Romantic breakfast in love story.

This is also an inspiration for many romantic movies. However, science points to a truth: movies or stories are just fiction. Simply because, when we sleep we will not smell anything.

Picture 2 of Revealing the great lie in the morning in the love story
When you sleep, the aroma can be awakened.

This has been proven completely. In a 2004 study by Brown University (USA), Rachel S. Herz - psychologist tested on 6 candidates. 6 people will smell peppermint in some stages of sleep.

Peppermint is a very strong smell, which can stimulate most cells to sense odor in the body. However, this scent is impotent in awakening candidates, regardless of the deep sleep phase (REM) or just taking a nap.

Picture 3 of Revealing the great lie in the morning in the love story
Even if you don't feel the smell, you'll still wake up if you breathe in dangerous smoke.

Explaining this, science says that the human body has a strange mechanism in which cells that sense the taste in the brain will automatically turn off when you sleep. This means you won't be able to smell the cake, the smell of coffee, the smell of soup until you wake up.

An interesting point is that even if you do not feel the smell, you will wake up if you breathe dangerous gases or gases . The reason is because they affect other parts of the brain, causing the brain to trigger alarms, getting you out of sleep.

However, there are also cases where sleep is too deep, the brain cannot function properly, and so a tragic accident has occurred. Therefore, make sure that the atmosphere in your bedroom is airy, and absolutely never burn coal, start your car in the room when you sleep!