Robot serving restaurant

The mixing robot, then bringing the food to the customers' place has become a familiar image to many people when it comes to a restaurant in eastern Germany.

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Robot is called Carl.They possess the same face and hands as humans.Customers who come here can interact with Carl as they ask them to mix, even talk.

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A Carl robot at the bar is ready to serve customers in Robot bar and Lounge in Ilmenau.

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Carl was developed and built by electronic engineer Ben Schaefer.

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Robot pouring water for a guest.Carl is fitted with sensors on the body so that they don't mess around or spill drinks on the move.

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The robot maker said that Carl knows how to make drinks as requested by guests, and enjoy drinks, or chat with guests.

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The 9-seat bar can best monitor the action of robots, everyone who comes here feels excited because they have just enjoyed a good drink, watching robots act like humans.

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Engineer Ben Schaefer spent 23 years studying robots.He built Carl from industrial robot parts, with the aim of making robots closer to humans.