Robots are used to protect the World Cup

For the first time, robots are being used to patrol a stadium in the 2006 World Cup, although it is rare for the public to have the opportunity to witness their work.

Picture 1 of Robots are used to protect the World Cup An OFRO robot is on duty outside the stadium in Berlin. (Photo AP) carrier Robowatch, headquartered in Berlin (Germany) has developed two robots to patrol, and has 11 products in two samples of this robot is currently engaged in patrolling the car park side below the Olympic Stadium in Berlin and the surrounding areas, the media headquarters, sponsors and important guests.

Benjamin Stengl, spokesman for Robowatch, said: "This is the first time patrol robots have been used at such a major sporting event. They did not arrest anyone. They do not really have much to do. Fortunately, this is an extremely safe World Cup. In addition, these robots will not replace security personnel but will be an additional means of patrolling.

The OFRO field robot, which costs about $ 76,000 and looks a bit like a self-propelled car on Mars, uses infrared cameras at night to detect intruders through body temperature. Similar to the robots used by the US military in Iraq, OFRO is more capable of doing so if it is equipped with sensors that detect radiation, toxins, viruses, or other chemical warfare agents.

"These things are not used here, but we see this as an accumulation of experience, which in turn can improve our technology," said Stengl . These robots will mostly be used in hard-to-observe areas. '

These robots will receive orientation assistance from the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) and send images to a central room in the stadium. Through remote control, one can order these robots to check for anything suspicious.

The second prototype is the MOSRO, which looks like the R2-D2 robot in 'Star Wars'. This machine costs about $ 15,000, mainly using the camera to detect the intruder parking. It also has infrared and ultrasonic sensors.

Robowatch and BEST, the security firm responsible for securing the World Cup, are discussing using robots at other venues in the Olympic stadium.