Russian millionaire to ISS
Millionaire Vladimir Gruzdev has just signed a contract to the International Space Station (ISS) with the Russian Space Agency. He will be the sixth tourist to ISS and the first Russian to travel to space.
Millionaire Vladimir Gruzdev (left) after an expedition to the Arctic Sea (Photo: Reuters)
According to Russian press, the 40-year-old owner of the Seventh Continent store chain has just signed a contract worth $ 20 million with the Russian Space Agency to board the ISS. He underwent medical examinations and was granted permission to join the flight to ISS.
In early August, Gruzdev and a group of Russian researchers dived into the Arctic at a depth of 4,200 meters and planted a Russian flag on the bottom of the sea.
Since 2001, there have been 5 millionaires spending money to travel to space. Four of them have US citizenship, the other is South African nationality.
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