Russian millionaire to ISS

Millionaire Vladimir Gruzdev has just signed a contract to the International Space Station (ISS) with the Russian Space Agency. He will be the sixth tourist to ISS and the first Russian to travel to space.

Picture 1 of Russian millionaire to ISS

Millionaire Vladimir Gruzdev (left) after an expedition to the Arctic Sea (Photo: Reuters)

According to Russian press, the 40-year-old owner of the Seventh Continent store chain has just signed a contract worth $ 20 million with the Russian Space Agency to board the ISS. He underwent medical examinations and was granted permission to join the flight to ISS.

In early August, Gruzdev and a group of Russian researchers dived into the Arctic at a depth of 4,200 meters and planted a Russian flag on the bottom of the sea.

Since 2001, there have been 5 millionaires spending money to travel to space. Four of them have US citizenship, the other is South African nationality.