Russian restoration of space tourism

Expected, British singer Sarah Brightman will be the next space traveler in 2015.

An official in the Russian space industry said the country is preparing to restore visitors to space. According to Kommersant newspaper, the resumption of the space tourism program does not face any major obstacles. However, the main problem now is whether the Russian space industry is able to meet or not.

Continue 2015

Yury Karash, a member of the Tsiolkovsky Astronaut Academy, said: 'This project will not have any problems if the Russian space industry is capable of carrying out efficient Soyuz space trains. , to fulfill your obligations to partners as well as to bring visitors into the universe. '

According to the source, British singer Sarah Brightman, 52, plans to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in 2015. About a month ago, Brightman arrived in Russia and was approved by a health committee for her to begin her preparation course at the Astronaut Training Center.

Picture 1 of Russian restoration of space tourism
British singer Sarah Brightman.

Experts say Brightman will have to spend about 30-40 million dollars for this flight. However, so far, both the Russian space tourism program coordinators and representatives of Brightman singers have not confirmed or denied information about the cost of the trip.

From 2001 to the present, only 7 cosmopolitan travelers - each spending at least 20 million USD - have the opportunity to see the inside of this 100 billion USD space station. Since 2009, ISS has not yet welcomed one more tourist.

Hotel in orbit

Russia's Obital Technologies has just unveiled plans to open an orbital hotel in 2016 and make tours to Mars by 2030. The hotel is about 20 cubic meters in size, with four chambers. and will be able to accommodate up to 7 guests.

Chief Executive Sergei Kostenko stressed that this new space station will aim at many purposes. According to him, the main purpose is to serve space tourism, making accommodation for tourists. It is designed and built to make it as comfortable as possible for visitors' stay in space.

Mr. Kostenko confirmed the object of the project is wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to explore space. The initial cost of a trip to the hotel is about US $ 50-60 million, which is equivalent to the cost of a flight to ISS. He said that prices would be able to fall later. In addition, each guest staying in this space hotel for 5 days will have to pay about $ 1 million.