Scary story about ghosts reigning inside the White House

Not only is the symbol of power, the White House is also said to be home to many of America's best souls with mysteries and obsessions to this day.

In a letter, President Harry S. Truman wrote to his wife and daughter once revealed that he was often woken up in the middle of the night by knocking on the door, but after he checked many times there were no people coming when he returned to the footsteps of the steps and knocked on the door again, he came from the next room.

His guards also confirmed that no one was walking near his bedroom at that time.

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The White House has long been rumored to be the fury of many souls.(Photo: Huffington Post)

After President Truman wrote to his wife, his daughter also wrote to her father a response letter. In the letter, Margaret Truman shares similar mystical stories. Margaret said that she and her mother used to be skeptical about the existence of ghosts in the White House.

This is just one of many ghost stories in the White House that have been handed down for many generations. The White House has long been known as a sanctuary for souls that both Presidents and staff say they have met.

The small but scary two-century stories have turned the house of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the eyes of many Americans as the country's most famous haunted house.

One of the best known stories is about President Abraham Lincoln (term 1861-1865) and haunting anecdotes related to him.

Lincoln once revealed that Mr. Willie's son, who died in the White House in 1862 when he was 11 years old because of typhoid fever, often "visited" him. Former US First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln, who was deeply distraught at the sudden departure of her son, also insisted on seeing Willie's ghost many times.

But not only was the soul of her son, Mary also said that she had seen former President Thomas Jefferson pull the violin and the ghost of former President Andrew Jackson.

By the time President Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, many people said that they were not under the sight of the 16th President's ghost.

Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge (term 1923-1929) recalled seeing the ghost of President Lincoln standing and staring out the window from the Oval Room.

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands during a visit to the White House in 1942 recounted how panicked she was when she saw President Lincoln wearing a high hat standing in the hallway late at night.

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin, who had 12 consecutive years in office from 1933-1945, though never seen it, confirmed that former President Lincoln was everywhere in the White House.

Many people therefore believe that President Lincoln is the soul that appears at the White House the most among the ghosts appearing here.

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President Lincoln is said to be the most visible ghost in the White House.(Photo: Realtor).

'It is said that President Lincoln will return whenever he feels the country is having a calamity,' said a White House tour operator.

In an article published in the 1989 Post in the White House, director of the White House Rex Scouten revealed that President Ronald Reagan once told him that his dog would go into any room except his bedroom. Lincoln.

'He kept standing outside and barking non-stop,' Scouten said.

One of the mystical stories is about Annie Surratt. Some claimed to have seen Annie's ghost beat the door to release her mother, Mary Surratt, executed in 1865 for being involved in the attempt to assassinate President Lincoln. According to word of mouth stories, the ghost of Anne Surratt will appear in front of the White House every July 7 as well as Mary Surrat's execution.

There are also other stories related to the ghosts of the former first lady.

Abigail Adams was the first president lady to live in the White House. She used the East Room to dry things. Ever since Abigail died, some people said that she had seen her circling in that room as she spread her arms as if she were holding a bed sheet.

First Lady Dolley Madison, the president of President James Madison, the leader of the United States from 1809 to 1817, has another hobby of gardening.

She was also the one who built the Rose Garden next to the Oval Office. During President Woodrow Wilson's position from 1913-1921, some workers received orders to dig up the garden at the behest of First Lady Ellen Louis Wilson saying that she had seen her ghost hovering around the Rose Garden and out. order them to stop digging.

Not only appeared in the White House, Madison's ghost was also thought to appear in the house on the corner of the 18th street that the couple moved to temporarily after the British burned down the White House during the war of 1812.

'The bell often rings even though no one stands in front of the gate to press them. The ghost of a white woman slid up the stairs. Scary screams, miserable moans resounded in the office ' , the WP's pen describes the house in an article published in 1969.