Australia's scariest haunted house

A pregnant maid fell from the balcony, a boy died while sleeping and a little girl was pushed downstairs . Those are scary stories that the Olive Ryan family believes are "haunting". photo 'in the Monte Cristo building in Junee, Australia.

Learn Australia's most famous haunted house

Monte Cristo, an old house in Junee town is said to be the most haunted house in Australia. This house is now owned by the Ryan family.

Picture 1 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Australia's most haunting Monte Cristo

Olive Ryan, who has lived for 50 years in this bizarre home, said she could feel the presence of the late owners of the house - Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley. The two are said to still be "haunting" Monte Cristo after dying in 1910 and 1933.

" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I heard someone calling my name when I was alone. Then there was footsteps outside the balcony but no one came out." , Ms. Olive Ryan recounted.

Mrs. Ryan said, something seems to be staring at her and her husband when they enter the house, then they see the house suddenly lit up even though there is no electricity . Ms. Ryan also found that objects in the house had a change in the position of unknown cause.

Lawrence Ryan, Olive Ryan's son, who grew up in Monte Cristo, said that since he was young he knew something was wrong about the house.

Picture 2 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley, the first owners of the Monte Cristo, are said to still be "haunting" this house after passing away.

"I always feel like someone is looking at me," Lawrence said.

Picture 3 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Mrs. Olive Ryan and her late husband

According to Lawrence, this house has happened many scary cases in the past. Once a child fell down the stairs, the nanny said that someone had pushed her out of her hands. Then a maid who was supposed to be pregnant with Mr. Crawley jumped from the second floor balcony suicide. There was also a report of a boy who died on fire while sleeping in a straw bed, a guard who was shot dead in 1961 and a housekeeper tied his mental child in the house for more than 30 years.

Picture 4 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Lawrence Ryan thinks there's something wrong with the Monte Cristo house

Sophia, who lived in 4-year Monte Cristo, believes she has a deep connection to this haunted house . Strangely, Sophia thought that her previous life here was one of the maids at this house. Sophia said that she saw the ghost of the late maid and also often felt the presence of Mrs. Crawley in the house.

Picture 5 of Australia's scariest haunted house
There was a maid in the house jumping from a suicide, knowing that this man was pregnant with Mr. Crawley

The Ryan family showed a kind of photos taken inside Monte Cristo, proving that supernatural phenomena occurring in this place are real.

Picture 6 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Sophia saw the ghost of the late maid and also often felt the presence of Mrs. Crawley in the house

Picture 7 of Australia's scariest haunted house
Another picture shows a strange hand appearing in the picture

Picture 8 of Australia's scariest haunted house
In this photo, the mysterious shadow reflected in the mirror

Picture 9 of Australia's scariest haunted house
The ghost of the girl clearly displayed on the left side of the photo, this photo was taken by a guest in the old bedroom

Many visitors Monte Cristo said they felt the presence of souls in the house. Some claimed that a ghost had touched them.