Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

Under the lens of science, dragons - the legendary animal created by a special and extremely interesting formula.

Dragon is a creature that often appears in legends and has a tremendous attraction. In the history of mankind, many people have spent their whole lives exploring and discovering to prove the true presence of this species.

Picture 1 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

Today, most scientists claim that dragons are fictional creatures. However, many people believe that we have enough basis to build a scientific formula that creates a fire dragon like legend.

1. Great body of dinosaurs

Many of us when referring to dragons often associate the shape of dinosaurs - the largest reptile ever existed on Earth. However, there is one thing that no one noticed: what dinosaur's shape and size does the dragon have?

Picture 2 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

The answer was chosen by experts as Diplodocus - a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs living in the Jurassic period. The Diplodocus had a total length of over 33m and a huge body weight, from 10-17 tons.

Picture 3 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons
The inner bone structure of Diplodocus

It seems that the 'oversized' size will cause a lot of impact on their movement but not so. The anatomical structure of the bone structure of Diplodocus as well as dinosaurs in general is very special: their bones are largely hollow inside, which will minimize the resistance and weight during the movement.

At the same time, for Diplodocus, the hot parts of this reptile body like the liver are all quite close to the outer skin, so they are cooled very quickly.

2. Wings of flying lizards

Picture 4 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

The next requirement for a dragon is the ability to fly in the air. According to scientists, the key to flying is not in body weight but in wingspan.

Although the flying lizard has a small size, the smallest part of the tree is just a sparrow, but its wingspan is strong, large and long, up to 9.7 - 11m. This wingspan is close to the wingspan of a Su-30MK2 fighter plane (about 14.7m). At that size, the Su-30MK2 wings can lift the body weight up to 34.5 tons into the air.

Picture 5 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons
Pictures of Su-30MK2 fighters

Therefore, with a dinosaur-sized body, wanting to fly, dragons need to possess a pair of wings with large, long and strong strides like the extinct flying lizard tens of millions of years ago.

3. The fire spray ability of the 'gunner'

One of the images that often appears when referring to dragons is the ability to spew hot flames with great destructive power. Through many years of research and research, biologists believe that many possibilities, fire-breathing dragon images are actually derived from a species of beetle named Stenaptinus insignis , also known as 'gunner bugs'.

Picture 6 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

'Gunners' are present in most continents in the world in large numbers. They are nocturnal creatures and mainly insects, larvae of smaller species.

The 'gunner' possesses an extremely useful protective weapon. The back abdomen of this species has separate hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide compartments. When encountering an enemy or being irritated, intimidated, 'cannon fire bug' simultaneously secretes both of these substances, plus a catalyst is an enzyme in the body to form an extremely toxic benzoquinone and spray out.

Moreover, the gunner 's spout can bend up to 270 degrees to increase the ability to hit enemies.

Picture 7 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons
The fire spray scene of the gunner

Reaction to form benzoquinone radiates a lot of heat. The sprayed liquid has heat up to nearly 100 degrees Celsius and has an unpleasant odor. Witnessing the scene of the " firebug " spraying with venom, one cannot help but imagine the image of fire-breathing dragons in legends.

4. Shark scales

Picture 8 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons

According to scientists, to increase the ability to move on the ground, a dragon really needs a special set of scales - shark scales.

Picture 9 of Science offers an interesting formula to create fire dragons
Close up of scales structure of sharks

In the distance, you may think that sharks are not scaly, but their skin is covered in a lot of small scales, which can be rough as armor paper. This type of scales only appears in some fish such as sharks, the head of serrated herring, shark . They are small, V-shaped scales close to the body. This scales helps reduce drag when swimming or moving in general, making sharks become the top killer of the ocean.