Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum

With just batteries and chewing gum, you can create a fire in case of danger.

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Fire is always considered one of the greatest discoveries of humankind. Thanks to the search for fire, primitive people no longer have to eat raw meat, suffer from cold weather when the wind is cold . Fire is a prerequisite tool for civilized development like today.

When lost in the forest or at sea, fire is very important for you. Fire will help us warm up, attract attention and drive away evil beasts. Today, fire is made very easily by tools such as matches, lighters . But ever, you Imagine yourself in a situation where there are no such things? How to create fire?

The answer will be right in the video below!

In order to perform this extremely simple experiment, we need a 1.5 - 3V battery working well, a few pieces of foil wrapped in dried gum.

Picture 1 of Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum

As a first step, cut out the diagonal so that the center of the piece of candy is thin and about 2mm.

Picture 2 of Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum

Then attach a foil tip to the negative (or positive) battery. Finally, attach the second paper end to the remaining pin and wait. In just a short time, you will smell a slight smell and fire will come up immediately.

Picture 3 of Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum
Attach the two paper ends to the battery terminals and wait .

Picture 4 of Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum
. fire will appear in a moment.

From a scientific point of view, this experiment is interpreted based on the nature of candy wrappers . In essence, foil also leads to electricity, even if only very small amounts. So they are treated as electrical wires, when these two ends of the wires are attached to the battery terminals, there will be electricity flowing.

However, this current is much more intense than the load of the middle of the foil (which has been very thinly cut). Plus the flammable paper composition in the structure of candy wrappers, so the fiery thing is inevitable.

Picture 5 of Video: How to create super easy fire with chewing gum
This experiment can be used to help you survive when camping or falling into the forest.