Detection of super-durable materials from fire ants

Scientists have discovered the ability to create a super-durable material thanks to fire ants.

Study of super-durable materials from ants' mucus

Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered a versatile material with durable properties that can bend under pressure without breaking, easily floating on the water, and also quickly. dissolve into water. Interestingly, this material was created by fire ants.

According to an article in the journal Nature Materials, fire ants can bind together into one mass and produce a layer of mucus when they encounter stimuli from the external environment, such as oil or honey. . This mucus can also be as elastic as rubber.

Picture 1 of Detection of super-durable materials from fire ants
Exudate mucus can help them float on the water.

Scientists experimented with releasing an ant "ball" into the water and found that the mucus they were releasing had the ability to hold both spheres floating on the water. Conversely, if the ants fall into the water they will sink and die.

This study is not a simple game, but according to Associate Professor David Hu, they are trying to create a metamaterial by simulating this mechanism in fire ants. "If we can dig out the secrets of ants, we can create artificial materials that are similar to them," he said.

Scientists are still experimenting to find out how this special material is made from fire ants before thinking about producing them in reality.