What if ants were the size of elephants?

Ants can lift 5,000 times their own weight, operate in giant armies, and outnumber humans by a million to one. But imagine a world where these ants grew to 3 meters tall, the size of an African elephant.

Even at their small size, ants are a formidable threat, numbering in the hundreds of thousands and ruled by a single queen. And if they reach the size of an elephant, the threat not only doubles, but can be many times worse. These 'armies ' will be ready to invade and establish 'colonies' on any area they come across, causing deforestation and mass destruction as they expand their territory. Open spaces, fields and savannas will quickly be overrun by ants and turned into vast underground tunnel networks.

Picture 1 of What if ants were the size of elephants?
If ants were as big as elephants, they would cause deforestation and mass destruction as they expanded their territory. (Illustration photo).

Even with their advanced arsenal, humans may still be at a disadvantage against the might of giant ants. Because their 
tough outer shells are highly resistant. When attacked, they use pheromone signals to call for help from their brethren, creating an unstoppable force.

To defeat an army of giant ants, we would probably have to resort to massive military measures and much more powerful weapons than what humans typically use to deal with animals.

If ant colonies grew to 4 meters and spread across the landscape, the landscape would be dramatically altered. Natural areas, grasslands, and even cities could be destroyed in the ant conquest. Wild animals such as mountain lions and bison would be unable to escape the onslaught of these giant creatures, and humans could soon follow suit.

Picture 2 of What if ants were the size of elephants?
Conventional weapons are almost ineffective against giant ants. (Illustration photo).

Unfortunately, if this scenario were to play out, humans would no longer be the apex predators. Instead, ants would be the top creatures, ready to fight and defeat anything that stood in their way. Their strength and perseverance would intimidate any living thing, turning the Earth into a giant ant colony.

In reality, however, this terrifying scenario is unlikely to happen due to an important biological law: the square cube law. As an organism increases in size, its mass grows much faster than its surface area. For an ant, if it were to grow to the size of an elephant, its body would no longer be able to maintain its normal function, and its body structure would not be able to support its own weight. In order to survive, these giant ants would have to change their entire biological structure, and at this scale, they would no longer be ants but would become a completely new type of organism .

Picture 3 of What if ants were the size of elephants?
 In fact, this scenario of an elephant-sized ant is unlikely. (Illustration photo).

Fortunately, giant ants are a horror story of the imagination and unlikely to happen in reality. But if you think giant ants are the scariest thing, imagine the prospect of giant spiders – would we be able to handle it? While we wait for science fiction to become reality, we might be lucky to have to deal with small, industrious ants quietly toiling away, rather than giant creatures that could rule the planet.