Scientific findings: Crop yields depend on ... leaves

Australian scientists have recently discovered that some plants have 10 times the rate of leaf transformation compared to other plants. This is considered to be a key factor in crop photosynthesis performance, meaning that the harvest productivity is improved.

The means of connection between cells is called interstellar fibers , microscopic structures up to 25,000 strands can be equal to the diameter of a human hair.

Dr. Florence Danila, working at ARC Center for Photosynthesis at the Australian National University (ANU), who conducted the study, said intercellular fibers transport small molecules or metabolites. like the way cars run on the road.

Picture 1 of Scientific findings: Crop yields depend on ... leaves
Some plants have 10 times higher conversion rate in leaves than other plants.

It is envisioned that in a city with more roads, the vehicles move at a faster rate and if the number of roads is limited, congestion will occur.

Scientists have identified higher-yielding crops, such as corn, with up to 10 times the number of interstitial fibers compared to lower-yielding plants and these inter-cell fibers have a polar Important period in moving metabolites.

Crops often use C3 or C4 photosynthesis to metabolize carbon through sunlight. C4 photosynthesis is an evolutionary form of C3 and is much more effective than C3.

Usually photosynthesis type C3 is a way of photosynthesis of plants such as rice and two varieties of the world's most grown plants.

ARC Deputy Director Susanne von Caemmerer said the new finding could help change the perception of planting C3 plants using C4, helping and contributing to solving the problem. global hunger.