Scientists decipher the language secret of pandas

Chinese scientists have deciphered the linguistic secret of large pandas, opening up many opportunities to conserve these endangered animals.

Successfully decode the language of the panda

The team from the Big Panda Research and Conservation Center (CCRCGP) has found more than 10 types of sounds that big pandas use to say things like 'I love you', 'I'm hungry' and ' Go away".

Now the team is planning to develop a 'Panda' interpreter tool, using voice recognition technology to understand what bears are communicating with each other.

The process of studying the language of large pandas has lasted for 5 years. The researchers recorded the sound of adult male and female pandas and baby pandas emitting in many different situations.

Picture 1 of Scientists decipher the language secret of pandas
Panda Bao at the National Zoo in Washington DC, USA.(Source: ibtimes).

The Xinhua Channel said the team translated 13 different types of panda sounds. Based on the panda sounds emitted during activities such as eating, messing up or mating, the researchers discovered that when the panda's 'gee-gee' cries meant they were hungry. When they say 'wow-wow' they are not happy, and 'coo-coo' means good or great.

CCRCGP Director Zhang Hemin said: 'We have deciphered some panda language, and the results are quite interesting. Male pandas often live alone, so they learn only the language from their mother . If a mother bear repeatedly sounds like a bird, she is worried about her baby. When the mother roars loudly, there is a stranger coming ".

Director Zhang explained the roar which means 'go away.' When it comes to expressing love, the male bear will shout 'baa' , while the bear responds with a sound like a chirping. This bar made the researchers very surprised.

'At first we were confused because we didn't know we were studying pandas, birds, dogs or sheep. But if we understand the language of pandas, we will have more opportunities to preserve them, especially in the wild environment , 'said director Zhang.