Scientists discovered how the chicken came out of the eggshell

Biologists at McGill University in Canada have discovered how chicks crawl through hard shells to get out. The article about the work of scientists was published in the journal Science Advance of America.

Picture 1 of Scientists discovered how the chicken came out of the eggshell
Newly hatched chicks.

Experts explain that eggshell consists of three layers of nanostructures and that all layers are different in chemical composition.

During the study, it was found that it was easier to break the inner shell than from the outside. This mechanism protects the chicks from external influences.

As a result, scientists have discovered that, when the chicken at the embryo stage, the eggshell is very durable, but when the embryo grows and grows, the shell will become more elastic, so it is not difficult to get out when chickens hatch.