Secrets in unfaithful female bodies

Picture 1 of Secrets in unfaithful female bodies Women with high levels of oestradiol in the body, often choose a relatively simple emotional relationship with men who must be quick and willing to betray at any time.

Kristina Durante, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Texas (USA), said that women with above-average levels of oestradiol (the hormone produced in the ovaries) tend to change and deceive you. more love than people with low levels.

People in the above form also feel they are more attractive than other women. 'Women with high levels of oestradiol are always willing to give up their partners when they discover new opportunities and find ways to take advantage of men when possible,' Kristina said.

Many previous studies have shown that women with oestradiol levels are always rated more attractive by men and tend to have more children than other women. The concentration of oestradiol increases and decreases with the ovulation cycle of women, leading to a change in fertility and a level of interest in sex.

To eliminate the effects of menstrual cycles, Kristina and a partner measured oestradiol hormone levels in 52 female volunteers (average age of 19) at two times in the cycle. The team also asked the girls to evaluate their attractiveness and complete a survey to find out their views on cheating in their relationship.

The results showed that girls with high levels of oestradiol had a higher assessment of their attractiveness than others, and admitted that they dated more men and were always willing to deceive you. love at many levels - from eye contact to love. However, the majority of young women with high levels of oestradiol do not like sex one night. If they meet rich, attractive guys, they can have long-term relationships.

According to Kristina, the unfaithful trend in women with high levels of oestradiol may have arisen when women depended on the physical support of men during childbirth and raising children during the period of human survival. hunting and gathering activities. Due to the growing society, the number of modern women has to rely on gradually decreasing men. But the psychological trends they inherited from ancestors are still there.

Grazyna Jasienska, a psychology doctor of the Jagiellonian University (Finland) stressed that oestradiol levels tend to decrease when women lose weight, exercise regularly. In addition, that hormone decreases as age increases.