Secrets of strange land on the Moon

Thanks to the nanoparticles inside the glass bubble created by the meteorite on the Moon, the soil here has strange properties such as suspended or very low thermal conductivity.

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This discovery has just been published by Marek Zbik of Queensland University of Technology (QUT - Australia) and the research team.

When Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969, they found dust on the Moon in a state of silence for millennia. But when disturbing them, even though the Moon's gravitational pull is very weak, these layers of dust are suspended over the surface of the Moon for a long time, clinging to clothing and their equipment as if being applied with glue.

Picture 1 of Secrets of strange land on the Moon
Close up of land on the Moon with bubbles
containing nanoparticles makes it extremely exotic

In addition, the soil is able to withstand temperatures up to 160 ° C on the Moon's surface during the day, and -40 ° C only a few meters below the surface.

The strange attribute of this soil has not been thoroughly explained until Dr. Marek Zbik studied it under a nanoscale, a technology that has not yet appeared during the previous space race.

According to Dr. Zbik, scientists have long noticed the strange properties of soil on the Moon. However, they did not pay much attention to the nanoparticles found in this soil layer, which were kept in glass bubbles created by continuous meteorites on the Moon.

According to Dailymail, Dr. Zbik used nanoscale research technology, which is a nano-projection method based on electronically accelerated radiation that can show 3D images of nanoparticles. Instead of having gas or steam inside the bubble, as he often does on Earth, he says, the moon's glass bubble is filled with a honeycomb network of nanoparticles.

Zbik said: 'It is possible that these particles are formed inside bubbles from melted rocks when meteorites bombard the surface of the Moon. Then they will be released to the outside environment when these glass bubbles continue to be destroyed by the asteroids. "

He explained that these nanoparticles operate according to quantum physics laws, which are completely different from conventional physics."These nanoparticles are released from glass bubbles and combined with the soil layer on the Moon, making this soil a strange attribute," he said.