See before the end of the earth

Using Hubble's telescope to study the atmospheric composition of four white dwarfs, astronomers from the University of Warwick (UK) discovered that most of the material in their atmosphere is made up of elements. in our solar system, like oxygen, magnesium, silicon, iron.

>>>Video: The unification of two white dwarfs

Picture 1 of See before the end of the earth

This is the composition that makes up 93% of the globe, according to Reuters. In addition, they also found a low carbon percentage, indicating that these stars once had planets orbiting earlier.

Because white dwarfs are the remaining core of extremely high mass stars, having gone through the process of burning up fuel, the matter in their atmosphere is likely to be the remnants of ill-fated planets. These planets may have been in orbit with central stars, but when their sun expanded, lost planets near and disrupted the orbits of outer planets.

As a result, all the planets were swept away, leaving only dust clouds around the white dwarf. Experts say that is the inevitable scenario of our own solar system within 4 to 5 billion years.