See with your own eyes the true form of radiation

Have you ever wondered what radioactivity looks like, if not, don't miss the article below.

The true shape of radiation

We must have heard of the terrible economic effects of radiation on the environment, organisms and people. Silently, radioactive leaks can make an entire region a 'dead land' for hundreds of years.

However, have you ever wondered what radioactivity looks like? If you're curious, the picture below will give you the answer.

Picture 1 of See with your own eyes the true form of radiation
Do you believe, this is the image of radiation?

Researchers at CloudyLabs have performed an experiment to place a piece of uranium in a 'cloud box' - a sealed glass box, cooled to -40 degrees Celsius. The box will also be coated with a liquid alcohol.

Scientists at CloudyLabs explain that most steam will condense on the glass surface, forming a cloud layer. However, a small fraction of the steam is still gaseous. This creates a layer of saturated steam, but is unstable because it can condense at any time.

When a charged molecule passes through this area, electrons will be knocked out of the molecule to form ions. At this point, the unstable steam layer will condense around ions, forming streaks like we see. These are the shapes of radiation.

Check out the video below to see more clearly: