Seeing lions cause problems, men take sandals and each one

A zoo owner has just been filmed to scare off the two 'lion' bullies by using his slippers, Daily Mail reports.

The incident happened in the wild Tagan garden of Mr. Oleg Zubkov in Crimea, Ukraine.

Picture 1 of Seeing lions cause problems, men take sandals and each one
Among the dangerous lions, he took off his sandals and slipped the sandals into the male male lion.

The original video showed many great lions threatening smaller lions in the herd.

After that, the male male lion rushed forward, seemingly intending to 'fight'.

Oleg decided to intervene, climbed out of the car and headed for the lions, obviously not interested in his safety.

The lions still screamed at each other but quickly stopped when they saw Oleg rushing forward.

Standing in the middle of the dangerous lions, he took off his sandals and slapped the sandals on the male lion. Strangely, the male lion scares away.

Oleg lifted up the sandals again and hit another lion.

"They become mischievous and I have the magic sandals," Oleg said. "This is a scary weapon."