Shivered with the soul creation experiment

In 1972, scientists conducted an experiment entitled "Philip Experiment". Since then, this experiment remains a challenge for scientists.

'Philip experiment' - experiment to create souls

If you've ever seen movies like The Apparition or The Quiet One, you'll be more or less frightened because those movies bring the message that: As long as you believe in them, think about them, ghosts will Come to you.

However, you will be even more frightened to learn that this is still controversial but has been tested correctly in 1972 in an experiment called 'Philip Experiment'.

Picture 1 of Shivered with the soul creation experiment

In the 1970s, a group of Canadian psychologists came up with the idea of ​​creating a soul to prove the hypothesis that the human mind could create supernatural entities through expectations and minds. statues and visualizations.

The members of the experimental group proposed the idea of ​​concentrating on building an imaginary character and then trying to communicate with 'it' through a soul call . The character created is Philip Aylesford, referred to as ' Philip ' in the experiment.

Philip was born in 1624 in England, went to the army early and was conferred upon the age of 16. He participated in the British Civil War and became close to King Charles II, often sent by the king to spy.

Picture 2 of Shivered with the soul creation experiment

Soon after, Philip married Dorothea but his marriage was not happy. While discouraged, losing faith in life, Philip "fell in love " with a Digan girl but she was accused of being a witch and forced to burn alive. Desperate, Philip committed suicide in 1654 when he was 30 years old.

In 1972, in Toronto (Canada), under the guidance of Dr. Owen - a devil expert, they conducted practical tests.

At first the group sat around the table in a normal room but nothing happened. Owen decided to change the experimental conditions. He dimmed the light, set up pictures around the room to resemble what they imagined about the castle in Philip's life.

After a few tests, Philip connected with the world. He does not manifest in the form of souls or monstrous ghosts but only answers the questions of the group through the knocking of the table, if there is a right knock, there is nothing wrong or no answer.

Philip answered all questions about his 'fictional' biography correctly but did not answer anything else. Dr. Owen does not recognize this result and thinks that it is the ' collective unconscious' phenomenon - a phenomenon that happens due to the expectations of the participants that makes their hands move and type unconsciously.

Without giving up, the team of scientists continued to carry out the next soul call. Unexpectedly, a series of strange phenomena happened that no one could explain by science.

Philip started to make the table tilt, slide from side to side or even fly. A few times the table was chasing some people in the room . when it was clear that no one intentionally pulled or pushed.

Hypotheses for this strange phenomenon

In 1974, a " epic " soul call session was witnessed by 50 people, along with the soul call being broadcast live to many others.

In this soulful session, the sounds are very clear, including the tapping and the beating of the table. The light or the light in the room did not work normally, there was a continuous flash of light and then off.

Not stopping there, Dr. Owen and his colleagues heard whispers, but they could not find the sound on the video.

Picture 3 of Shivered with the soul creation experiment

Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, but there is still no convincing solution. In this story, even no one can prove why Philip had such actions.

Some argue that our unconscious can be responsible for many types of supernatural phenomena , including opening the gate to the 'afterlife'.

Although the character of Philip is completely fictional, the actions of the Owen group may have caused a demon or some evil spirit to have a chance to call up and "phony " Philip, causing the present Unusual supernatural statue.

Many other scientists are determined, this is just a hoax. They said that, despite being broadcast live, cinematic techniques are not difficult to perform. Along with that, many spiritual science programs that had previously been exposed were frauds, so this experiment was not enough to convince them.

Picture 4 of Shivered with the soul creation experiment

The table was most likely connected to several thin ropes that could move or even fly. Some of the video footage of Dr. Owen's home souls being announced later showed that the table was swayed or tilted to one side further reinforcing their inference that, if not done, it is very likely that the 'collective unconscious' phenomenon mentioned above.

However, the Philip experiment started a trend of studying 'imaginary souls' . Although still controversial, scientists are beginning to be skeptical about whether a supernatural entity exists from human awareness itself. This question has not been answered so far.