Shocking findings: 94% of giraffes are studied for homosexual relationships

Homosexual relationships in the animal world are not quite a new thing. However, for giraffes, you will be surprised to learn that 94% of male giraffes are homosexual.

Some studies show that about 20% of adults are attracted to people of the same gender, and half of them have sex with men. There are hundreds of millions of gay people in our society. Is this a difference between us and other animals?

No. of course! Because homosexual relationships also appear very much in the natural world. The most prominent among them is giraffes .

Giraffe is an animal that is very favored by evolutionary biologists. They are the tallest animals thanks to their monumental necks. And that beautiful neck also plays an important role in selecting giraffes' partners. Just like the peacock's white tail, the male giraffe's neck can be an outstanding feature to seduce the opponent.

Picture 1 of Shocking findings: 94% of giraffes are studied for homosexual relationships
Two male giraffes are "lovingly" together with their necks.

The neck is an important part of showing the gender and social behavior of giraffes. According to scientists, male giraffes often use their necks to 'cuddle' each other. They curled their necks together, looking very skillful; then violent acts between two males begin.

This action looks like a war between two males to scramble for the children we often see in the animal world. The difference is that after that intense battle, the two males will begin to mate with each other. Much of the relationship between two male giraffes involves 'cuddling' with neck and anal sex.

Picture 2 of Shocking findings: 94% of giraffes are studied for homosexual relationships
Much of the relationship between two male giraffes involves 'cuddling' with neck and anal sex.

Giraffes often live separately by gender, and 'cuddly' behavior by antiquity often occurs in stags. In one report, researchers spent 3,200 hours over three years observing herds of giraffes in Tanzania's national park, which they found surprising. The researchers observed a total of 16 cases of two males having sex with each other. They argue that this is an act of showing status in giraffes, but there is no evidence to support this idea. During that same period, they only saw a pair of male and female giraffes having sex with each other. The report shows that 94% of the giraffes' behavior they observed was homosexual.

During the observation period, 20 baby giraffes were born. This suggests that there are heterosexual behaviors that researchers have not discovered; and there may be more cases of homosexual relationships than they observed. This information along with other articles has shown that male giraffes don't often have sex with female giraffes.

Homosexual behavior is also different from the heterosexual relationship in giraffes. When they want to have sex with their children, the male will lick and smell the female deer's urine, and follow her for a few days; and the female deer will appear indifferent or turn a blind eye, not caring about the efforts of the deer. When she started to be interested, she could stand still.

Picture 3 of Shocking findings: 94% of giraffes are studied for homosexual relationships
Male giraffes 94% of giraffes' behavior is homosexual.

Homosexual relations must be some thoughtful activity in the giraffe society, but we do not know this particular behavior of them. Many other animals also have homosexual behavior such as rats, elephants, lions, monkeys and about 20 species of bats; and homosexual relationships are more common in males than females.

For cases of homosexual relationships in the same animal world, we can understand the biological law of that behavior more clearly. When female goats, female sheep, hens and cows appear homosexual behavior, farmers know that this is a sign that they are ready to mate. Long-tailed lizards and Komondo dragons can reproduce monotonous; Homosexuality of this species is a way to stimulate ovulation. Like Bonobo chimpanzees, hyenas are also matrilineal species. The female is more dominant, more powerful and more athletic than the male. The females often behave in homosexual relationships to create links and divide status in the herd.

Picture 4 of Shocking findings: 94% of giraffes are studied for homosexual relationships
Bonobo chimpanzees also often have homosexual behavior.

Countless sexual acts of humans and other animals have shown that sex is not entirely for reproductive purposes, but also plays a role in evolution. The evolution in nature is through tests to choose new and suitable things in the environment. Sex in the reproductive process is clearly an important factor in evolution since complex life forms developed. Since then, it has become a basic function to increase survival.

Through nature, we can try to analyze the nature of homosexual behavior in people, and learn about social and biological signs that lead to each person's sexual orientation. Like many other behaviors, sex is 'programmed' not only through genes but also by the surrounding environment; This is indeed a mysterious relationship between biology and the life experience of each person.

  1. Homosexuality in the animal world
  2. Top 10 animals having sex with men