Signs to identify people who are about to be ... struck by lightning

The story behind the photos of people with reverse hair has revealed a sign that helps us identify objects that are about to be struck by lightning.

>>>The harmful effects of lightning and how to avoid lightning

NBC news agency reported, John Jensenius, lightning safety expert of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has published a memoir of a man named McQuilken on the fateful day. August 20, 1975.

McQuilken, now 56, said he used to walk to Moro Rock Mountain in California's National Cedar Park with his two younger brothers - Sean and Jeff, Mary's sister and a friend named Margie.

Picture 1 of Signs to identify people who are about to be ... struck by lightning
Lightning bolts form a magnificent image in the sky, but there is a risk of death.(Photo: Corbis)

On the top of the mountain, McQuilken's group noticed that the weather was getting worse and their hair started to stand up abnormally - which was all funny at the time. Mary, then 15 years old, took some pictures of this phenomenon and did not know that they would become famous.

McQuilken remembers, when he put his right hand up in the air, the ring he was wearing began to make a loud noise that anyone could hear.

The group did not know that such electrical signs in the air are warning signs that need to seek shelter immediately. They just left the top of the mountain when the temperature dropped and it started to hail. However, they did not go far before the disaster.

McQuilken, who is now a software engineer, described, at the time of the lightning strike, time seemed to slow down, the dazzling light appeared with a weightless feeling and a deafening explosion.

When he woke up on the ground, McQuilken noticed that his brother Sean was struck down by lightning, smoke was coming from his back. McQuilken quickly ran to his brother and checked his breathing and pulse.

Luckily, Sean was alive and the rest of the group took him in time to return to the parking lot to get to the emergency hospital. Sean suffered a 3rd degree burn in his back and elbows but was lucky to survive because he did not land completely when struck by lightning.

Picture 2 of Signs to identify people who are about to be ... struck by lightning
Photo of McQuilken (right) and his younger brother Sean with an unusually reverse haircut on August 20, 1975.The two did not know they were about to become victims of "lightning god".(Photo: Daily Mail)

However, a man who was also struck by lightning did not survive due to a small burn near his heart. Another man, near the top of the mountain and hit by lightning at the time, was unconscious and did not regain consciousness for about six months after surviving.

McQuilken joked that he and his younger brother did not receive any supernatural power after being struck by lightning. However, they realized the importance of detecting risk factors as well as being cautious not to climb any peaks when the sky showed signs of thunderstorms.

As illustrated in the story, NOAA recommends, if your hair is erect when you are on a mountain top or mound, hill, seek shelter immediately because you risk being hit by a deadly lightning bolt. descended from heaven.