First aid for people struck by lightning

In order to rescue people with lightning strikes, artificial respiration combined with cardiopulmonary massage helps save many victims of lightning that previously seemed to have died. The problem is to do it quickly in the first 7 minutes.

Picture 1 of First aid for people struck by lightning
Lightning strike

Lightning is the discharge between different parts of a cloud, or between clouds. Lightning is the discharge from thunderclouds to the ground. Lightning currents are extremely intense from a few tens of thousands to more than one hundred million volts, temperatures reach many thousand degrees Celsius, so it is very dangerous. Lightning can melt metal materials, twist the electric poles, smash a house . in the blink of an eye. Especially dangerous is when lightning strikes high voltage transmission lines.

In Vietnam, lightning often occurs during summer thunderstorms. The frequency of lightning is greater than in the mountainous, midland areas in the North and the South Delta. Lightning strikes many cases not only depending on the shape of the ground, but also depends on the geological structure of the place. Geographical areas, objects with high conductivity are often susceptible to lightning strikes; these are places in the pass, foothills, tall trees, metal objects, people, cattle . Mountainous areas, however, appear more but less dangerous because many big trees are conductors. good. In the midland and plain there are few trees, so people and cattle are easily hit by lightning. Every year, almost every province dies because of lightning. There are cases where lightning strikes 4 to 5 people, even 8 people.

How does lightning cause injury?

Lightning can cause injury in the following ways:

  1. Lightning hits the victim directly from the cloud.
  2. When the victim stood next to the object struck by lightning.Lightning can be released through the air gap between people and objects.In this case, it is called horizontal strike lightning.
  3. Lightning strikes when victims come into contact with lightning.
  4. Step voltage.When people come into contact with the ground at a few points.Lightning spreads on the ground.
  5. Lightning spreads through cable lines to objects such as phones, televisions, sockets.

According to statistics, lightning strikes are the most dangerous, and for every 10 people hit by lightning, 8 people die. Lightning striking contact or horizontal crossing is also very dangerous. When lightning strikes a tree, a lightning bolt can kill a few people around. The risk depends on the nature of the object being struck by lightning and the relative position of the victim.

Sudden symptoms due to lightning strikes

Victims of lightning strikes may suddenly experience symptoms: cardiac arrest immediately; loss of consciousness for a short time; confused or do not remember what happened; lightning can strike out of a person, discharge into their clothes and leave a few clear signs of injury; about two-thirds of people get paralyzed by lightning - temporary paralysis characterized by lightning strikes.

The victim may have skin burns; broken bones and dislocations; broken skull and spinal lesions.

The victim has difficulty breathing. Eye damage causes immediate blurred vision or late cataract. Perforation of the eardrum causes pain, deafness and dizziness.

The victim was burned to death by lightning .

Emergency treatment for victims

People who are struck by lightning often die immediately; But there are also many mild cases, victims escaped death, but need to be promptly rescued. The clinical situation of a person who is struck by lightning is like a person with an electric shock. The victim fainted, stopped breathing, stopped his heart, lost his senses, blue-violet skin, the spot was struck by lightning on his body.

Picture 2 of First aid for people struck by lightning

When someone is struck by lightning, place the victim on a dry, flat place, extend the clothes to make it easier for the victim to breathe. Urgently make artificial respiration combine with breath inhalation and cardiopulmonary massage. For every 5 times massage the heart outside the chest, give artificial respiration or one-time breathing. Do this continuously for 60-90 minutes.

This way saved many cases at first thought to be dead. From the time of being struck by lightning to the point of emergency, if not more than 7 minutes, nearly 90% of cases can save lives, if left too late, only about 10% will be saved. When the victim has regained consciousness, it is necessary to immediately bring him to the hospital to follow up to prevent further deterioration.

If a bone fracture is detected, it is necessary to fix the bone firmly before moving. However, special care should be taken not to remove the victim if a spinal fracture is suspected.

After providing first aid, it is necessary to quickly bring the victim to the nearest medical facility for timely emergency.

Note, first aid must be done immediately to hope to save the victim. Do not transfer victims to medical facilities without first aid.

Prevention of lightning

When you see the rain shift, outdoor workers need to go home quickly or take shelter in camps. If not evacuated promptly, avoid metal objects such as plows, shovel hoes, water pumps, motorbikes, bicycles .

Pay special attention not to avoid rain under big trees , especially tall single trees in an empty area. When lightning strikes the tree, strong currents can be transmitted to any conductive object, or transmitted to the base of the tree to spread out on the ground, causing accidents for those hiding under the tree.

Do not stand, sit next to electric poles , or transmission lines, as these are also places that are easily struck by lightning. On the other hand, strong winds in the thunderstorms can often break down electric pylons or break power lines so it is very dangerous.

Picture 3 of First aid for people struck by lightning

Do not stay in the rain near the smoke-emitting furnaces, because smoke is a good conductor of electricity to facilitate lightning strikes. Do not sit near a lake with a large water surface. If you are bathing in the water, meet a storm right on the shore, because lightning current can be transmitted in water, causing danger.

Rural and peri-urban houses that see rainstorms need to close all doors and windows to limit moisture drafts that can cause lightning to enter the house. Should sit a place to place your legs on the bed. If you need to travel, wear dry slippers. Temporarily stop watching television, remove the power cord from the socket, remove the antenna cord from the TV . to prevent the lightning impulse current of the lightning can damage objects, life-threatening.

In rural and mountainous areas, long-term lightning protection measures are to plant many trees. In fact, when planting many green trees covering a large area, the number of times lightning strikes decrease. However, do not allow plants to be too tall to stay close to the house. If conditions permit, lightning protection pillars should be built, but it is necessary to ensure proper techniques.