Species extinct 500 years suddenly appeared

A wild beaver was discovered while biting the tree on the banks of the Otter River near Exeter, Devon, England.

>>>The beaver causes murder

Beavers are British native animals but have been hunted to extinction since the 16th century.

Biologists have also brought several small groups of beavers back to the reserve but this is the first case where a wild beaver was discovered.

Picture 1 of Species extinct 500 years suddenly appeared
The first image of a wild beaver was recorded after 500 years

Picture 2 of Species extinct 500 years suddenly appeared
A lot of trees in the area are damaged by animals

After finding a few bites on the tree near the Outter River, a retired biologist named Tom Buckley has prepared many special photographic equipment, including a camera that automatically shoots when it detects an object. move.

When he checked the machine, he discovered a beaver appeared in several photos, using his teeth to chew on the trunk. The beaver in the picture is believed to have appeared in July and was seen by another 35-year-old Lorna Douglas when she was walking the dog.

When many trees were found in the area where there were traces of damage, many thought this was because some farmers intentionally used axes to sabotage, however, now they probably understood the cause of the strange phenomenon. this.

The question is whether any other beaver still lives in this area, because beaver is a herd of animals. According to scientists, the average life of a beaver is 24 years.