Sperm dilution: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Thin sperm (also called diluted sperm) is a disease that reduces the fertility of men. However, very few people understand what diluted sperm is like.

Things to know about thin sperm disease

  1. Thin sperm is like?
  2. The main cause of thin sperm
    1. 1. Low sperm count
    2. 2. Ejaculate frequently
    3. 3. Lack of zinc
    4. 4. Premature ejaculation
  3. When to see a doctor
  4. Treatment of diluted sperm
    1. Treatments
    2. Lifestyle changes

Thin sperm is like?

Semen is the fluid secreted through the male urethra during ejaculation. It includes sperm and fluid from the prostate gland and other male reproductive organs. Typically, semen is a thick, white liquid. However, some causes can change the color and consistency of semen.

Thin semen is a sign of low sperm count, suggesting male reproductive problems. Liquid ejaculation, transparent semen can also be a temporary condition, does not cause serious health conditions.

The main cause of thin sperm

There are several possible causes for sperm dilution. Most are treatable or preventable.

Picture 1 of Sperm dilution: Causes, symptoms and treatment
One of the most common causes of thin semen is low sperm count.

1. Low sperm count

What is semen or diluted sperm? One of the most common causes of thin semen is low sperm count. This is also known as Oligospermia . If semen contains few sperm (less than 15 million sperms per milliliter) then the sperm is considered diluted below normal. Some causes of Oigospermia include:

  1. Varicocele: Swelling of veins from the testicles in the scrotum. This is the main cause, but can be treated, otherwise it will cause infertility in men.
  2. Infections: Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea or some other infection that cause reproductive organ infections, such as epididymis.
  3. Tumors: Malignant and benign tumors in the testes can affect sperm production.
  4. Hormone imbalance: Hormones produced in the testes and pituitary glands are all necessary to produce a healthy amount of sperm. Any changes in these hormones can affect sperm production.

Other potential causes of low sperm count include:

  1. Ejaculation problems, such as reverse ejaculation
  2. Anti-sperm antibodies in the immune system
  3. Injury or other problems with the sperm ducts

2. Ejaculate frequently

Ejaculation too often can also lead to the production of thin semen. If you masturbate several times a day, the quality of semen after the first ejaculation is likely to become thin. The body needs at least a few hours to produce a normal amount of healthy semen.

3. Lack of zinc

Another possible cause of thin semen is zinc deficiency. Research has shown that men who get enough zinc, or men who are deficient in zinc but supplemented with zinc sulfate, may be better able to fight anti-sperm antibodies. These antibodies are produced by the immune system, mistakenly reacting to the fact that sperm is an alien object.

4. Premature ejaculation

If semen is present with a lot of water and liquid, it is important to note that the color and transparency of semen. Excessive seminal fluid may actually be the first ejaculate fluid that appears during foreplay. It usually contains less sperm.

When to see a doctor

If you notice that your semen is always diluted or discolored, see a urologist. If you and your partner have tried but failed to conceive, consult a fertility specialist.

One of the first tests to be done is semen analysis. This is used to check the health of sperm and semen. The test will look at many factors, including:

  1. The volume of sperm / semen from one ejaculation
  2. Liquefaction time, which is the time it takes for semen to change from a thick liquid, like a gel, to a more liquid form
  3. Acidity
  4. The number of sperm
  5. The motility of sperm
  6. Sperm morphology, or size and shape of sperm

Your doctor will also ask questions about your health history and do a physical exam. You will also be asked some lifestyle questions, such as smoking and drinking.

Other tests may be needed if the doctor suspects a problem with hormone levels or physical health of the testes as well as nearby reproductive organs.

Treatment of diluted sperm

Many people wonder if diluted sperm can be cured, the answer is yes. Semen diluted due to low sperm count does not necessarily require treatment. Low sperm count doesn't necessarily mean you can't conceive. This may require extra effort, or you may have a temporary infection that reduces sperm count.


  1. Antibiotic
  2. Hormonal treatment: If hormonal imbalance
  3. Surgery: When having varicocele status

Lifestyle changes

In some cases, positive lifestyle changes can increase sperm count and improve semen quality, such as:

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Lose weight if overweight
  3. Reduce alcohol consumption
  4. Exercise regularly

Your doctor may also recommend that you abstain from sex for a period of time so that you ejaculate less often.