Squirrels are spectacularly knocked down by woodpeckers

The red squirrel stumbled into the area of ​​the pair of woodpeckers, immediately a bird flew up, attacked and defeated the intruder in an instant.

Woodpecker ants knock down squirrels

Picture 1 of Squirrels are spectacularly knocked down by woodpeckers
The squirrel curiously boarded the tree, which was the home of the pair of woodpeckers.(Photo: CBC News)

Picture 2 of Squirrels are spectacularly knocked down by woodpeckers
Realizing the intruder, a bird flew down, attacking the squirrel.(Photo: CBC News)

Picture 3 of Squirrels are spectacularly knocked down by woodpeckers
"The squirrel's face is like crying," said photographer Morin.(Photo: CBC News)

Picture 4 of Squirrels are spectacularly knocked down by woodpeckers
The attack took place in the blink of an eye, the squirrel fell to the ground and slipped away.(Photo: CBC News)