Star 'grilled' child planet

Astronomers believe that they have discovered a planet evaporating before the burning temperature from the central star, 1,500 light-years away.

Picture 1 of Star 'grilled' child planet
Small planet with dust tail, smoke when it orbits its sun

The KIC star 12557548 may be 'turning nine' on its planet at an unbelievably fast pace, causing the 'victim' to completely evaporate within 100 to 200 million years.

That was the conclusion of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and NASA, after evaluating the image taken from the Kepler observatory about a small planet with a tail of smoke or dust while spinning around the star. center, according to Sci News news page.

The planet is making one of the fastest revolutions ever recorded. It only takes 15 hours to complete the orbit around KIC 12557548.

According to calculations, the terrible heat is pressing on the surface of this planet is about 2,000 degrees Celsius.

Many previous studies have helped experts conclude that the planet has no eternal life.

Destruction can come in many different ways and the situation is happening in the planet pair - the star is just one of the most terrible deaths a planet can face, according to the scientific group. MIT and NASA student.

The results of the study are published in Astrophysical magazine.