Star swallow the planet

A distant planet is becoming the prey of the central star itself, and the whole scene of the horrible incident unfolds underneath the curtain absorbing all the illumination of incoming light.

Picture 1 of Star swallow the planet
The destroyed landscape of planet WASP-12 b - (Photo: NASA)

Researchers of the Planetary Research Foundation (UK) have discovered planet WASP-12 b in 2008.

At that time, WASP-12 b was filmed at a very close distance from the central star, according to the Science Daily page of the Open University press release in the UK.

The distance between the star and the planet is so narrow that a cloud of extremely hot gas is draining out of the planet's surface.

A gas rushes towards the star, while the rest escapes into the open space, creating a curtain that blocks most wavelengths of light.

Astronomers say such a structure has never been observed before, and they have resorted to the orbiting Hubble telescope, which is tuned to ultraviolet light to see the whole thing. .